Inequality is Polarizing the World

Reducing poverty and improving equity
Dec 06, 2021 | Chatham House, Ian Goldin

After two years of global disruption, the COVID-19 divide is greater in terms of wealth, race, gender, age, education, and geography. Inequality is strongly associated with increasing support for populist politicians, and with economic protectionism. Poorer people suffer most from crises, as they have fewer savings and are more exposed to risks from weather, poor health, and economic fluctuations. This growing inequality exacerbates other social and economic challenges, including stagnating productivity, increased crime, ill health, and depression. Ian Goldin suggests in this report for Chatham House that while COP26 produced several significant agreements, the absence of firm commitments means that inequality within countries and internationally is likely to persist. In response to the health crisis, however, governments and businesses have acted in ways that would not have been considered possible in January 2020. The challenge now is to build on these initiatives to reduce discrimination and inequality.

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