About the foundation
Focus of the FutureWorld Foundation

The FutureWorld Foundation will focus on the five priority areas that can be said to constitute a Global Agenda:
Delivering [environmentally and socially] sustainable economic growth
- for without this, we shall not be able to achieve anything else
Reducing poverty and improving equity
- because exceptional prosperity for the few at the expense of the many is neither justifiable nor sustainable
Addressing the sources of [global and national] vulnerability and promoting security
- for security underpins both community and progress
Sharing the norms and values that enable global coexistence, and working to reconcile cultural differences
- because respect for core values and universal norms allows us to live in harmony, while appreciation of cultural diversity enriches our understanding;
Improving the quality of global governance and our global institutions
- for most of the important challenges we face in a highly-connected world cannot be resolved any other way