Other Voices

While we have particular views on many issues on the Global Agenda, and have commissioned and will continue to promote research into questions affecting these, we are also conscious of the valuable work being done by many other institutions and researchers, some of whom have decades of experience in grappling with aspects of these challenging topics.

In this section of the site – Other Voices – by far the largest of all, we offer a wide cross-section of views and insights.

Posted May 13, 2024|  by Center for Global Development

Economic migrants and refugees bring both benefits and costs to their hosting countries. If well-integrated, they support themselves, their families, and their hosting countries as producers and consumers. In their paper for the Center for Global Development, Helen Dempster, Martha Guerrero Ble, and Stephanie López... Read More

Posted on Apr 24, 2024 | in category: Reducing poverty and improving equity | by Foreign Policy

Since the 1990s, the World Bank has facilitated a dramatic decline in extreme poverty globally, from more than one in three people living in extreme poverty in 1990 to less than one in 10 today. But fragile and conflict-affected countries, such as the Democratic Republic...  Read More

Posted on May 10, 2024 | in category: Reducing poverty and improving equity | by Consultative Group to Assist the Poor

There are two billion low-income customers in low- and middle-income countries who are digitally included, meaning they have digital data trails that can be leveraged for the design and delivery of better financial services. Yet one-third of those people remain financially excluded (unserved), and many...  Read More

Posted on Apr 11, 2024 | in category: Reducing poverty and improving equity | by Center for Global Development

When refugees fleeing conflict and persecution arrive in a new country, they need immediate humanitarian support. Once their basic needs are satisfied, the challenge is how to promote refugees’ socioeconomic integration so they can adapt to and succeed in their new communities? In their paper...  Read More

Posted on Apr 03, 2024 | in category: Reducing poverty and improving equity | by International Organization on Migration

As countries across the globe confront new skills and labour requirements, there has been greater movement of skilled workers around the world, and a measure of cooperation on cross-border skills mobility. Whilst cooperation on skills mobility is not new, it has not always been of...  Read More

Posted on Apr 10, 2024 | in category: Reducing poverty and improving equity | by Center for Global Development

The inflow of refugees and their subsequent integration are important challenges for both the refugees themselves and their host societies. Policy interventions can improve the lives and economic success of refugees and of their communities. In their paper for the Center for Global Development, Dany...  Read More

Posted on Mar 27, 2024 | in category: Reducing poverty and improving equity | by Observer Research Foundation

Donors rely primarily on international NGOs to receive funding and implement international aid, as these are perceived to be better capable of handling donors’ requirements; and are often seen as being more committed to ethical standards, as compared to local CSOs. Despite rhetoric about localisation...  Read More

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Think Local and Act Global - A Conversation with GGF 2030 fellow Cara Stauß

Nov 15, 2018 | Global Policy,

World affairs, diplomacy and trade are no longer solely the domain of nation-states, as cities...  Read More

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According to household surveys, 44 percent of the global population lived in absolute...  Read More

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