The Global Consumption and Income Project (GCIP): An Introduction and Preliminary Findings

Reducing poverty and improving equity
Mar 27, 2015 | U.N. Department of Economic & Social Affairs, Rahul Lahoti, Arjun Jayadev, Sanjay Reddy

Increases in mean per capita income are often used as a first approximation of a society’s economic de­velopment. However, public debate is increas­ingly concerned with whether growth leads to an increase in social well-be­ing. In their paper for the U.N. Department of Economic & Social Affairs, Rahul Lahoti, Arjun Jayadev and Sanjay Reddy introduce two separate datasets (The Global Consumption Dataset and The Global Income Dataset) that illustrate consumption and income within and across 133 countries over time. They describe the construction of the datasets and show possible uses by presenting preliminary results on the distribution of consumption, poverty and inequality across the world in specific countries. drug coupons site discount prescription coupons

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