Divisions in Europe Expose the Need for an Ambitious Reform of the European Union

Improving global governance
Sep 28, 2018 | Austrian Society for European Politics, Aiste Mickonyte

The European Union celebrated the Eastern Enlargement as the crowning moment of Europe’s transition to liberal democracy. However, the constitutional crisis in Hungary and Poland now tests the resilience of the rule of law in Central and Eastern Europe, and the EU’s political cohesion. In this article for the Austrian Society for European Politics (ÖGfE), Aiste Mickonyte suggests that to resolve Euroscepticism and East-West divide, a long-term strategy of aligning the EU’s common interest with the national interests of its members, is needed. Among recommendations offered is agreement by the European Council on a comprehensive policy on migration and asylum, combining streamlined legal migration, and cooperation with transit countries. This requires common EU values to be elevated above quick political wins by exerting pressure on backsliding national party leaders.

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