Understanding the Limitations of Maastricht

Improving global governance
Apr 15, 2019 | CEPS, Intereconomics, Daniel Goss

The European Central Bank (ECB) is responsible for the monetary policy of a currency union made up of 19 countries and 293 million people. Its currency, the euro, is the second most used currency in world markets and is widely regarded as an anchor of economic and financial integration. However, Daniel Gros argues in this article of Intereconomics that the euro is far from an unqualified success. He looks back at the last 20 years since the euro’s inception and considers the obstacles it has overcome and those that still lie ahead; the design flaws that have hindered it and how to address them; and important lessons learned and recommendations for the future.
https://www.ceps.eu/system/files/072-077-Forum Gros.pdf

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