Bretton Woods at 75 - A Series of Critical Essays

Improving global governance
Nov 30, 2019 | Bretton Woods Project, Patrick Bond, Ana Garcia, Fabrina Furtado et al

In this publication by the Bretton Woods Project, Patrick Bond, Ana Garcia, Fabrina Furtado et al challenge the notion that the World Bank and IMF have promoted progress and poverty reduction since their creation at the Bretton Woods Conference. They discuss the Bretton Woods Institution’s (BWI) role in the current crisis of multilateralism in the context of  their“structural undermining of democratic governance and human rights, and harming the environment”. They argue for the importance of civil society in challenging the World Bank and IMF, and explore the role of organisations in the Global South that seek to hold the BWIs to account for perpetuating an unequal global economic world order.

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