Diluted Disarmament in Space: Towards a Culture for Responsible Behaviour

Addressing vulnerability and promoting security
Nov 30, 2020 | Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Nivedita Raju

Humankind depends on activities in outer space in fields ranging from telecommunications and navigation, to disaster management and national security. As the private sector has come increasingly to provide some of these services, new regulations to strengthen space security and clarify legal ambiguities cannot be introduced with a top-down approach on a state-to-state basis. Non-state actors are stakeholders with their own interests, and a need to help define norms for responsible behaviour in space. In this article for the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Nivedita Raju calls for a new culture of space governance, through a platform for all stakeholders, including companies and civil society organizations. As existing space treaties do not sufficiently regulate counter-space technologies, one must look beyond the UN fora, and create new institutions for dialogue

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