High Skills versus Family-Based Immigration Policy: Complex Considerations

Reducing poverty and improving equity
Mar 24, 2021 | European Policy Institute, Nicholas Zill

Two thirds of the 1.1 million permanent resident visas issued annually by the US are granted because of family connections, while only 12 percent are employment- based. Nicholas Zill suggests in this article for the European Policy Institute that advocates of merit-based immigration – biasing visa issuance towards persons with high skills – believe that it would ensure a robust economic and cultural future by raising fertility rates, bolstering the educational achievement of future generations, stimulating economic growth, and providing resources to help support elderly retirees. Proponents of family reunification defend the policy on humanitarian grounds, arguing that it helps to strengthen family life and preserve continuity in the ethnic, religious, and cultural makeup of existing communities. Most policymakers and voters seem unaware of how dramatic the differences in the social and economic situations of different immigrant groups may be, and how these relate to the criteria by which they were admitted to the country. The implications of these contrasting criteria should be considered when immigration policy is reframed.

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