Will the European Hero please stand up? An Essay on European Global Narrative Strategy

Improving global governance
Apr 11, 2021 | Clingendael Institute, Ties Dams, Monika Sie Dhian Ho

The European way of life is a potentially powerful but underused narrative, through which European leaders can forcefully explain the existential value of human rights, democracy, and rule of law to Europe. Ties Dams and Monika Sie Dhian Ho of the Clingendael Institute set out ways to make the EU global narrative more competitive in a  discursive geopolitical arena. They juxtapose aspects of the European narrative with the discursive moves of China, to synthesise elements of a new global narrative for Europe that provides a common sense of purpose with third countries. The authors address three questions: How does the European global narrative function; which aspects of the narrative are put under pressure by its discursive competition with China, and how can EU institutions and European member states contribute strategically to a stronger global narrative?

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