The Family as a Social Institution

Sharing core norms and values
Jun 22, 2021 | National Bureaux of Economic Research, Natalie Bau, Raquel Fernández

The study of the family is inextricably linked to the study of culture because of the former’s central role in transmitting and perpetuating social beliefs, which shape decision-making within the family. Family is the primary agent of socialization, the first institution through which people learn social behavior, expectations, and roles in communities and societies. In this handbook by the National Bureaux of Economic Research, Natalie Bau and Raquel Fernández discuss the global variations in family institutions created in part by cultural differences and by recent changes in family structures. They conclude that studying the family in a vacuum, without accounting for the role of culture, may lead to misleading conclusions about the effects of policies, macroeconomic shocks, and technological change.

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