The EU-ASEAN Strategic Partnership: What Next?

Improving global governance
Jun 24, 2021 | Brussels School of Governance, Lay Hwee Yeo,

In December 2020, the EU and ASEAN elevated their relations to a strategic partnership. This came at a time of great uncertainty caused by the rivalry between the U.S. and China, pushback against globalisation and technological disruptions exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Lay Hwee Yeo argues in this article for the Brussels School of Governance that the partnership should seek to prevent a bifurcation of the world order and instead support a multilateral, rule-based order. The partners should work in concert with other like-minded states in the Indo-Pacific to provide an alternative vision of a more open and networked system to accommodate the differences among peoples in a world population of close to eight billion people. Policy brief_2109.pdf

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