Who Can Save Us from Jeff Bezos and Silicon Valley’s Planetary Death Wish?

Sharing core norms and values
Aug 02, 2021 | Institute for New Economic Thinking, Lynn Parramore

As humans see themselves as the external controllers of the natural world their identity becomes alienated from nature. Lynn Parramore argues in this article for the Institute for New Economic Thinking that science and technological advances directed by wealthy, oligarchically-inclined businessmen will human nature, and nature itself. She suggests that feminist thinkers have understood this for decades, strongly suggesting that before donning spacesuits, humans should deepen their assumptions and approach to living on Earth. In Silicon Valley, Planet Earth tends to fade in significance, becoming little more than a jumping-off point to the vast universe beyond where environmental constraints and human foibles no longer apply. The good news is that humans are the only creatures that can guide their evolution and embark on a long-overdue homecoming to Earth.

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