We Get the UN We Fund, Not the UN We Need

Improving global governance
Aug 03, 2022 | Global Policy Forum

The concept of a networked multilateralism, evidenced by a series of multistakeholder consultations throughout February and March 2022, describes deeper UN engagement with the private sector. It represents a trend that risks shifting the UN’s policies and approaches toward the interests of the private sector - profit-driven motives and market-based solutions - and away from what people and the planet need, argues Elena Marmo in her article for the Global Policy Forum. She outlines trends in UN system-funding that have contributed to the rise in Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) and highlights networked multilateralism as the latest manifestation of this. In this context, she emphasises the need to consider the potential risks and dangers of a multilateral system constrained by restricted, or earmarked, funding and an overreliance on corporate partners which are largely unaccountable to human rights and other sources of international law.

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