Religious Restrictions Around the World

Sharing core norms and values
Dec 06, 2022 | Pew Research Center

In this article by the Pew Research Center, Chris Baronavski, Samirah Majumdar Viorginia Villa et al explore restrictions on religious freedom in 198 countries and discuss how each country’s restrictions have changed since 2007.  Three countries - Afghanistan, Egypt and Syria - had “very high” levels of both government restrictions and social hostilities involving religion, in 2020. Both are expressed in indices – a GRI and a SHI. In Syria, the government and its allies continued to target political opponents, the majority of whom were Sunni Muslims. In Afghanistan, nonstate militant groups carried out multiple attacks against minority religious groups in the country, including Shiite Hazaras and Sikhs, during the year. From 2007 to 2020, Egypt’s GRI and SHI scores have also been “high” or “very high”.

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