What Kind of Growth do we want? Why Growth means Different Things to Different People

Delivering sustainable economic growth
May 16, 2023 | World Economic Forum

History shows that 40 years of neoliberal economic policy has led to growth - but it has come at the cost of rising inequality and a planet in the midst of a climate crisis. Leaders and experts at the World Economic Forum's Growth Summit 2023 called for inclusive, sustainable and resilient growth. In this interactive presentation by the WEF, participants discuss what the term 'growth' actually means to them and their communities as the world faces deep economic uncertainty and a disrupted jobs outlook. Amid an outlook that is set to be upended, they call for inclusive, sustainable and resilient growth and discuss how it can be achieved.
https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/05/what-is-growth-why-it-means-different-things-to-different-people/ />

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