Nations in Transit 2023 - War Deepens a Regional Divide

Addressing vulnerability and promoting security
Jun 01, 2023 | Freedom House

A year after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, there was hope that the Ukrainians’ defense against authoritarian aggression would galvanize democracy’s supporters throughout Europe and Eurasia. Instead, it deepened the gulf between free societies and entrenched autocracies, according to the latest edition of Freedom House’s annual Nations in Transit report. Its key findings are that, for the 19th consecutive year, democratic governance suffered an overall decline in the region stretching from Central Europe to Central Asia. On illiberal populism, European Union member states pursued diverging paths; EU hopefuls made democratic progress, but still face daunting obstacles; autocracies remained trapped in a vicious circle of repression and instability; free governments need to lay the groundwork for a sustained campaign of democratization at home and abroad, while recognizing that those living under repressive regimes deserve their support.

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