Plastic Pollution – A New Way of Measuring Hope on the Path to net Zero

Addressing vulnerability and promoting security
Aug 14, 2023 | OECD – Credit Suisse

Mismanaged plastic waste becomes plastic pollution. Each year more than 350 million metric tons of plastic become plastic waste, of which approximately 80 million metric tons (22 percent) is mismanaged worldwide. While both OECD and non-OECD countries use approximately the same amount of plastic per year, the symmetry dissolves when the data is viewed on a per capita basis, with the global average of 60 kg per person per year masking the OECD’s 155 kg and the non-OECD’s 40 kg. This joint OECD – Credit Suisse report reveals more alarming differences. Of the approximately 80 million tons of mismanaged plastic, almost 70 million tons (88 percent) originates in non-OECD counties. But there is reason for some optimism. The negotiations for a global plastics treaty could yield the most significant sustainability-focused multilateral proposal since the Paris Agreement in 2015.

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