Whose AI Revolution?

Delivering sustainable economic growth
Sep 15, 2023 | Project Syndicate

Some commentators are expressing the view that tech firms are “new governors” who are “exercising a form of sovereignty,” and ushering in a world that will not be unipolar, bipolar, or multipolar, but rather “technopolar.” Anu Bradford suggests in his Project Syndicate article that the largest tech companies are indeed exercising greater economic and political influence than most states. The key to regulating any fast-evolving, multifaceted technology is to work closely with AI developers to ensure that the potential benefits are preserved, and that regulators remain agile. This raises a troubling possibility: only authoritarian regimes are capable of effectively governing AI. To disprove this proposition, the US, the EU, and other likeminded governments will have to demonstrate that democratic governance for AI is both feasible and effective. They will have to insist on their role as the primary rule-makers. 



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