No, Xi Jinping Is Not About to Attack Taiwan

Addressing vulnerability and promoting security
Nov 10, 2023 | New York Times

China’s rhetoric and aggressive maneuversshould be viewed not as a sign of imminent attack, but as a demonstration of Beijing’sresolve not to accept Taiwan’s permanent separation from China, and a chancefor the P.L.A. to hone its skills against the possibility that Beijing may oneday feel compelled to use them, argues Bonnie Glaser of the German MarshallFund of the United States. Underlying doubts within the Chinese leadership andglobal factors such as Russia's debacle in Ukraine, suggest that no precipitousmove is likely.  In this New York Times article, the authorexplores the multifaceted dynamics and risks associated with China's ambitionsand underscores the importance of careful, strategic responses from Taiwan andthe United States to maintain peace in the region.

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