Kim Jong Un’s Declaration of a Hostile Relationship Between North and South Korea Is a Big Deal

Addressing vulnerability and promoting security
Jan 22, 2024 | The Diplomat

As tensions escalate on the KoreanPeninsula, North Korea believes it can capture the interest of China andRussia. Lee Min-yong suggests in this article from The Diplomat that in termsof foreign policy, the North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s primary goal is tosolidify cooperation with China and Russia to enhance security, and counter thealliance formed by South Korea, the United States, and Japan. North Korea islisted among the 20 countries facing the most significant challenges in foodand nutrition security. During times of famine, Pyongyang has tended tomanufacture a war crisis, a strategic approach to controlling military conflictat a limited level. Yet the inherent risk lies in potential escalation into afull-scale war. The author suggests that the critical question hinges onthe severity of North Korea’s predicament, as the country has reached a stateof disarray where assessing its economic and social conditions is widely regardedas pointless.



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