AI in War: Can Advanced Military Technologies be Tamed Before it’s Too Late?

Addressing vulnerability and promoting security
Jan 25, 2024 | The Bulletin

As the wars in Ukraine and Gaza attest,rival militaries are racing to deploy automated tools despite scant consensusabout the ethical boundaries for deploying untested technologies on thebattlefield. StevenFeldsteinsuggests in his article for The Bulletin that just asglobal leaders reached agreement after-World War II to create guardrails ofbehavior through the Geneva Conventions, international leaders should undertakea similar effort for AI technologies. Reports suggest that 90 percent of hitsin the Gaza conflict are due to AI-generated recommendations. Policymakers thusneed to have a more granular understanding of the risks and benefits of suchsystems. Liberal democracies should play a much greater role in settingnorms and baseline conditions for the deployment of these powerful newtechnologies of war.

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