India’s G20 Presidency as a Voice of Global South
India used its Presidency of the G20 to bring the Global South to the centre stage by including pressing issues of the Global South in the agenda of its G20 Presidency and by
formally including the African Union as a member of the G20. Over the decades, countries of the Global South have gained significant influence in the global economy.
They now contribute to more than half of the world’s growth, notes Sushil Kumar, in his article for the Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS). The
G20 has reiterated the fundamental significance of gender equality by committing to reduce the digital gender gap by 50 per cent by 2030. Under India’s G20 Presidency, it
also launched the Data for Development Capacity Building Initiative to enhance development of the Global South, creating resilient global value chains and assisting
developing countries to utilize them.
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