Decolonising Aid: Moving Beyond International Aid Intermediaries

Reducing poverty and improving equity
Mar 27, 2024 | Observer Research Foundation

Donors rely primarily on international NGOsto receive funding and implement international aid, as these are perceived tobe better capable of handling donors’ requirements; and are often seen as beingmore committed to ethical standards, as compared to local CSOs. Despiterhetoric about localisation, a meagre 1.2 percent of international humanitarianaid directly reaches local actors. In this brief of the Observer ResearchFoundation, Aude Darnal argues that the issue is not justabout a lack of capacity on the part of local actors - a statement often usedby Western aid stakeholders to justify their marginalisation. Donors also needto reform their understanding of aid, accept the need to share power with championsof change in the Global South, and increase their own capacities to adapt tolocal development and humanitarian systems.


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