Forced Migration and Refugees: Policies for Successful Economic and Social Integration

Reducing poverty and improving equity
Apr 10, 2024 | Center for Global Development

The inflow of refugees and their subsequentintegration are important challenges for both the refugees themselves and theirhost societies. Policy interventions can improve the lives and economic successof refugees and of their communities. In their paper for the Center forGlobal Development, DanyBahar, RebeccaBrough and Giovanni Peri review the policy interventions for socioeconomic integration of refugeesand the evidence surrounding them. They note that it is essential to identify policies,institutions, circumstances, and support systems best that promote the integrationof displaced individuals and have a potentially high return for both refugeesand their host communities. Moreover, the value to local governments andcommunities of implementing effective policies will likely grow as episodes thatgenerate refugees may become more diffuse and sudden.

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