Tribalism and Ethnophobia Among Black South Africans

Sharing core norms and values
Apr 18, 2024 | Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies

Tribalism, likeracism, undermines equality and merit. As such, it often becomes a source ofconflict and disunity that impedesand threatens social cohesion and nation-building. A tribe is a socialdivision comprising families or communities linked by blood ties with a commonculture and dialect. People belonging to one ethnic group can live in severalgeographical locations. There are different types of ethnic groups, and thesegroups are differentiated from each other by an array of characteristics thatbind them together note Mfundo Mandla Masuku and Victor H Mlambo in theirarticle for the Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies. With the demiseof apartheid and the subsequent increase in undocumented migration, tensions emerged,not only against black foreign nationals, but also among black South Africansthemselves.

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