Much More than a Market – Speed, Security, Solidarity
The European Union's success rests upon thepillars of free trade and openness. Therefore, Enrico Letta emphasises in hisarticle for
Politico, the EU must address the complex internationalframework with the goal of preserving peace and upholding the rules-basedinternational order, while guaranteeing the Union's economic security. In thiscomplex endeavour, it must continue investing in the enhancement and promotionof European standards, while reinforcing the Single Market as a robust platformthat supports innovation, safeguards consumer interests, and promotessustainable development. The
Conferenceon the Future of Europe has clearly indicated citizens' desire for greatersystemic involvement in the development and implementation of European publicpolicies. The author suggests that to advance this, it would be useful toestablish a
Permanent Citizens' Conference, along the lines proposed inthis Report..
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