A Path to Security: Renewing Relationships Within and Beyond the Sahel

Improving global governance
May 03, 2024 | Tony Blair Institute for Global Change

Despite two decades of multinationalsecurity efforts, the Sahel remains the region most affected by terrorism inthe world, with dire consequences for its people and their neighbours. In thispaper, the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change emphasises the urgentneed to reconsider the approach to international engagement. Geoffroi Montpetitwarns that a failure to act risks further destabilisation and the displacementof millions of people, fuelling migration and refugee crises, increasingterrorism and exacerbating inequalities. Rising instability and increasinghardship have triggered the migration and displacement of millions as localpopulations seek safety and opportunity in the region and beyond. The paperconcludes with a high-level action plan to ensure that the Sahel’s next 20years - and beyond - are more peaceful and prosperous than the last.


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