A Holy War. The Russian Orthodox Church blesses the War against the West

Sharing core norms and values
May 07, 2024 | Centre for Eastern Studies, Warsaw

Since the beginning of the invasion ofUkraine, hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church have sanctioned and justifiedthe war. After more than two years, the church’s support for the invasion hasmoved to another level. In a recent document by the World Russian People’sCouncil, the conflict with Ukraine was depicted as a “holy war”, whereRussia is on the side of “good” and the West embodies “evil”. According to thedocument, Russia and its people are defending the “sole spiritual space of HolyRus” and are thus fulfilling God’s mandate. Katarzyna Chawryłonotes in her commentary for the Centre for Eastern Studies, Warsaw, thatthe document stipulates that, once the “operation” is over, the entireterritory of Ukraine should fall within Moscow’s exclusive sphere of influence,and there should be no room for any “Russophobic political regime”.The wording of the document suggests that a Ukrainian state may existin some form, but it should be a regime governed by Russia-friendly eliteswho are subservient to Moscow.



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