Empowering Online Public Service in Asia: The Digital Frontier

Delivering sustainable economic growth
May 08, 2024 | Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia

The implications of digital government areextensive and can significantly shape the trajectory and character of digitaltransformation. The digitalisation of public services not only saves costs, butalso enhances efficiency, promotes transparency and improves the convenienceand quality of services for citizens and businesses. In this booklet of the EconomicResearch Institute for ASEAN and East Asia, Lurong Chen and Fukunari Kimuradiscuss how this transformative process contributes to more inclusive anddemocratic governance, a crucial aspect for the Asian region grappling withsocioeconomic disparities and democratic challenges. Furthermore, by enhancingthe efficiency of public administration and services, digital government canheighten a nation’s appeal to foreign investors and stimulate economic growth.


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