The AI Revolution will be ‘Virtualized’

Delivering sustainable economic growth
May 08, 2024 | McKinsey&Company

Companies now decide what is strategicallyimportant to retain in-house and where an ecosystem of partners would be moreeffective. The current dramatic advances in AI and digital simulation aredisrupting how technology itself is created and used. Kimberly Borden, Mark Huntington, Mithun Kamat,and Will Roper note in their article for McKinsey&Company thatit is now possible to create digital representations of components, products,and processes that precisely replicate the behavior of their real-worldcounterparts. This “digital thread” gives engineering, manufacturing, testing,and operations teams an optimal playground in which to solve problems, explorethe limits of their designs, and create innovative solutions. And, freed fromthe shackles of the physical world, they can do all that at breathtaking speed.

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