How to Decolonise the Humanitarian–Development–Peace Nexus?

Addressing vulnerability and promoting security
May 08, 2024 | Bonn International Centre for Conflict Studies

Recent calls to decolonise aid from withininternational Non-governmental Organisations ((I)NGOs) in the aid sector, stemfrom a fundamental critique of the international aid system that emerged fromthe Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement in 2020. Esther Meininghaus, Rodrigo Bolaños Suárez, Boubacar Haidara et al note in their BICC Policy Brief that the current implementation of the humanitarian, development andpeace (HDP) nexus fails to address power asymmetries and structuralinequalities in the international aid system. Colonial legacies still permeatethe international humanitarian system, notably in the dominance ofinternational non-governmental organisations that shape the aid structure. Beyonda bottom-up approach to localisation, the authors call for a decolonialrethinking that analyses and acknowledges how colonial legacies affect fundingflows, the distribution of staff and decision-making power, as well as normsand attitudes within the aid sector.


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