War Economy: Ukraine, the European Union and the Defence Technological and Industrial Base

Addressing vulnerability and promoting security
May 08, 2024 | Centre for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy

Ukraine’s defence industry has become acentral feature of the country’s military strategy against Russia, and theEuropean Union (EU) understood early on, the potential of cooperation withUkraine in this sector. In this CSDS Policy Brief, Daniel Fiott explains theseveral challenges to integrating Ukraine’s defence industry into the EuropeanDefence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB). Ukraine’s integrationinto the EDTIB will take time, and there is not yet an EU consensus on whatthis integration will look like in practice. Political challenges are stillhampering EU-Ukraine defence industrial cooperation as individual EU memberstates and Ukraine have yet to agree on sensitive issues such as technologysharing and control. 


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