We Need More-nuanced Approaches to Exploring Sex and Gender in Research

Sharing core norms and values
May 08, 2024 | Nature

Studies that engage critically with sex andgender are urgently needed, both to increase understanding of humans acrossdiverse contexts, and to provide insights for societal discussions - whether onhealth and disease, education or other topics, Stacey Ritz and LorraineGreaves argue in their article for Nature. When it comes topromoting understanding of the concepts of sex and gender and the distinctionsbetween them, a starting point frequently offered is that sex is biological,and gender is social. In other words, sex is meant to refer to anatomical andother biological features, whereas gender is associated with social andcultural attributes, opportunities and roles. The authors suggest that giventhe enormous untapped opportunities for developing insights concerning sex andgender across many contexts, it is essential that more scientists lean in withcourage and creativity to interrogate the complexity of sex- and gender-relatedimpacts - to the benefit of all.


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