The 7Ds for Sustainability - De-risking Globalisation in Depth

Improving global governance
May 08, 2024 | Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies

Over the last couple of years, the EU has createda series of policies and launched initiatives to derisk its economic relationsand reduce the potential for political blackmail. Domestic factors on bothsides of the Atlantic, such as increasing political polarisation, are creatingpressures that make it difficult to pursue a common transatlantic foreignpolicy agenda on de-risking globalisation. In their article for the WilfriedMartens Centre for European Studies, Roberta Haar, Peter Hefele, HorstHeitz, and Jakub Janda suggest that the biggest systemic competitor in thisrespect is China, due to its economic power, political governance system andglobal revisionist ambitions. The challenges posed by its uniquepolitico-economic system require a comprehensive answer from all open andmarket-based societies in the West. To be able to employ the needed deterrencetools, the EU needs to rapidly decrease its strategic, economic andtechnological dependencies on China and create a robust set-up of economicsecurity institutions.

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