Resource Nationalism in the Age of Green Industrialisation

Delivering sustainable economic growth
May 10, 2024 | European Center for Development Policy

The critical raw materials needed to drive the global greentransition are now at the forefront of national concerns. Governments in theUS, China and the EU are all emphasizing domestic production of greentechnologies through industrial policies, leading to increased subsidies, andtrade fragmentation due to geopolitical rivalry. Poorva Karkare notes in herarticle for the European Center for Development Policy that this race among superpowers is motivated byconsiderations of resilience and security. Meanwhile, many countries in theGlobal South that possess critical raw materials are imposing exportrestrictions to promote value chain localisation. Their strategy aims to assertsovereignty over resources amidst the ongoing wave of green development. Analysingthe cases of Indonesia and Chile, she draws lessons for African countries andEurope.

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