Rising Numbers of Americans Say Jews and Muslims Face a Lot of Discrimination

Sharing core norms and values
May 10, 2024 | Pew Research

Many U.S. citizens particularly sense thatdiscrimination against Muslims and Jews has risen since the start of theIsrael-Hamas war. According to this Pew Research survey, U.S. citizens arebroadly comfortable with speech for and against Israeli andPalestinian statehood. But most U.S. adults do not agree with calls forviolence against Jews or Muslims. Analysts Becka Alper, Laura Silver and BesheerMohamed note that seven-in-ten Muslims and nine-in-ten Jews surveyed say theyhave felt an increase in discrimination against their respective groups sincethe war began in October. The share of U.S. adults who say there is a lot ofdiscrimination against Jews in U.S. society has doubled in the last threeyears, jumping from 20 percent in 2021 to 40 percent today. A somewhat largershare - 44 percent - say Muslims face more discrimination, up five percentagepoints since 2021.


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