Why and How Multilateral Development Banks Support Improved Outcomes for Economic Migrants and Refugees
Economic migrants and refugees bring bothbenefits and costs to their hosting countries. If well-integrated, they supportthemselves, their families, and their hosting countries as producers andconsumers. In their paper for the
Center for Global Development, Helen Dempster, MarthaGuerrero Ble, and StephanieLópez Villamil summarise some of the financing instruments,projects, and strategies used; particularly innovative approaches; andchallenges that multilateral development banks (MDBs) face in expanding theirengagement. They suggest that both economic migration and forced displacementare integrally linked with development outcomes. Recognizing this, MDBs aresupporting their member countries to improve outcomes for economic migrants andrefugees, in the form of billions of dollars in grants and loans, as well astechnical assistance, policy dialogues, and knowledge exchanges.
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