Amid a Changing Global Order, NATO Looks East

Addressing vulnerability and promoting security
May 13, 2024 | United Sates Institute for Peace

As NATO celebrates its 75th anniversarythis year, the Euro-Atlantic security alliance continues to deepen itsengagement with Australia, Japan, South Korea and New Zealand, collectivelyknown as the IP4. In her paper, Mirna Galic of the United Sates Institutefor Peace, discusses how the alliance’s engagement in the Indo-Pacific hasevolved due to Russia’s war in Ukraine and security challenges by China and howcollaboration can be mutually beneficial for NATO and the Inder-Pacificpartners (IP4).The author notes that the alliance is deepening its relationships withkey Indo-Pacific partners to pull together a more global, like-mindedcoalition. More generally, the IP4 grouping has thepotential to magnify common views and interests beyond what any singlecountry’s voice could do.

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