Irregular Migration and Global Justice

Addressing vulnerability and promoting security
May 13, 2024 | Hague Institute for Social Justice

This policy brief by the Hague Institute for Social Justice drawsextensively on the ideas generated during a discussion convened by theInstitute on what fair and effective governance of irregular migration mightentail, and how a balance can be struck between national security concerns andrespecting the rights of irregular migrants, while considering the economiccontributions these migrants bring. Most migration stakeholders clearlyrecognize that irregularity is undesirable and a source of concern to manygovernments and the international community. The brief addresses four policy issues:the concept of irregular migration and how it can be adapted to promotecomprehensive migration policies; security concerns; the use of in-depthdialogues and partnerships in developing and adopting migration governancereforms; and the demand for cheap labour in destination states as a catalystfor irregular migration, stimulating and sustaining it.

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