What a Climate-Aligned IMF Would Look Like

Improving global governance
May 13, 2024 | Project Syndicate

The board of the International MonetaryFund approved current the appointment of ManagingDirector KristalinaGeorgieva for another five-year term.  In their article for Project Syndicate, Mohamed Nasheed and Rakesh Mohan notethat she will have to show that the IMF can rise to the challenge posed by theclimate crisis at this “now or never” moment. The recent addition of a third African member on the IMFExecutive Board was a welcome development. The authors suggest that as that theIMF has never had a non-European Managing Director, it will takefundamental governance reforms to convince climate-vulnerable economies that ittruly represents their interests. To that end, Georgieva should offer hersupport for efforts to recognize the V20 as an official inter-governmentalgroup at the IMF.


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