Brazil and the BRICS in a Changing Global Order: Autonomy, Multipolarity, and Multilateralism

Improving global governance
May 13, 2024 | Turkish Policy

The world is changing in complex andunpredictable ways. For countries and their foreign policy makers, the issue isto capture, address and adjust the direction of transformation, so as to striveto mold them according to their interests, suggest Haroldo Ramanzini and Tullo Vigevani in theirarticle for Turkish Policy. For Brazil, thestrategy and the political choices matter due to the contribution that foreignpolicy can offer to the development of the country and to domestic structuralprojects. The authors argue that these goals are matters of principle thatshould prevail. Brazil seeks to advance common interests with other countriesin the Global South, including the BRICS, while strengthening integration inMERCOSUR and Latin America, without disregarding the need for cooperation withthe United States and the European Union. These goals are consistent with Brazil’sstructural characteristics and in line with its ability to influence thedirection of international politics.

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