The Transatlantic Digital Economy

Delivering sustainable economic growth
May 14, 2024 | Transatlantic Relations

According to this survey by TransatlanticRelations, more data was generated in the last two years than in theentirety of human history. Over 60 percent of global GDP is now linked todigital transactions, according to the European Commission. More than twobillion digital payments are made every day, and one of every two companiesgenerates more than 40 percent of its revenues from digital products andservices. GSMA Intelligence forecasts that more than 38 billion devices will beconnected to the internet by 2030, up from 15.1 billion in 2021. Thetrans-Atlantic route accounted for 75 percent of Europe’s total interregionalbandwidth in 2021. The Middle East and Asia each accounted for 10 percent,Africa five percent, and other regions for one percent. There are land-basednetworks that link Europe to Asia, but they boast far less capacity than subseacables.

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