Green Hydrogen: The future of African industrialisation?

Delivering sustainable economic growth
May 14, 2024 | European Center for Development Policy Management

Green hydrogen and its derivatives, likegreen ammonia, can be used as a feedstock for low-carbon industries, a(zero-carbon) fuel for shipping and aviation, and an energy carrier to bere-converted to electricity. As the world crosses peak hydrogen hype, canthe hydrogen economy be a game-changer for African industrialisation or is itextractivism under a green veil? Alfonso Medinilla and Koen Dekeyser examinethe latest developments in green hydrogen for exports and industrial use andexplore the role African economies can play in the global hydrogeneconomy.  In their article for the European Center for DevelopmentPolicy Management, they also discuss how African countries can maximise theindustrial and economic development opportunities while minimising the risks. Theyalso discuss whether the hydrogen economy can be a game-changer for Africanindustrialisation and job creation, or if it is extractivism under a greenveil?

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