Trends in Global Arms Trade & India

Addressing vulnerability and promoting security
May 14, 2024 | Vivekananda International Foundation

In this brief by the VivekanandaInternational Foundation, Saroj Bishoyi examines and analyses the dynamictrends in the global arms trade, India’s place in it and the implications forsecurity and defence indigenization efforts. He points out that though Indiaremains as the largest importer, the domestic production of arms andprocurement from indigenous sources has increased substantially in the lastfive years and moving towards self-reliance in defence. The US, the world’slargest arms supplier, dominates the international arms market and its sharehas increased from 34 percent in 2014-18 to 42 percent in 2019-23. The share ofarms exports by China and Germany declined, but they retained fourth and fifthplace respectively among the world’s largest arms exporters. These top fiveexporters of major arms accounted for three quarters i.e.75 percent of all armsexports in 2019-23.

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