Geoengineering and Climate Change in an Age of Disinformation and Strategic Competition

Addressing vulnerability and promoting security
May 14, 2024 | Council on Strategic Risks

The long-held taboo in the scientificcommunity that prevented even basic research into climate interventionapproaches such as Solar Radiation Management (SRM) appears to be weakeningsuggest Erin Sikorsky and Tom Ellison in their article for the Councilon Strategic Risks. The most imminent security risks related togeoengineering stem from the increasingly fractured and competitivegeopolitical landscape against which such debates and potential action takeplace. Technologically advanced Global North countries may see it as a climatefix that diminishes the need for changes in social and economic behavior thatare perceived to be politically risky. The authors suggest that with anincrease in provocative disputes about geoengineering more a question of “when”and “how” than “if,” the world should be proactive in building the architectureto navigate the security challenges of the debate itself.

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