As Biden and Trump seek Re-election, Who are the Oldest – and Youngest – Current World Leaders?

Sharing core norms and values
May 14, 2024 | Pew Research Center

As Biden runs for re-election in 2024, he is the ninth oldest nationalleader in the world, according to this Pew Research Center analysis ofsitting leaders in 187 United Nations member states. Former President DonaldTrump, who is runningfor the White House again this year, is younger than Biden. Butat 77, he also falls among the 20 oldest world leaders whencompared with those currently in power. Nationalleaders range in age from their mid-30s to 91. The youngest leader isBurkina Faso’s Ibrahim Traoré, who is 36. The oldest is President Paul Biya of Cameroon,who was born in 1933 and took office more than 40 years ago. As of May 2024., the median age of current national leaders is 62.

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