Can the EU Become a Better Partner and Orchestrator in Development Policy?

Improving global governance
May 14, 2024 | Center for European Policy Studies

Together, theEU27 countries make up the world’s largestinternational donor in the domain of development assistance. Andyet, this article by the Center for European Policy Studies suggeststhat they systematically punch below their weight. Authors Andrea Renda, Nicole Reynolds, and Sara Ronco compare threescenarios for reform and conclude that continuing with thestatus quo is not a suitable option if the EU wants tobecome a stronger actor and more attractive partner at the global level. They ascribe this to several factors,including fragmented institutional landscape at the EU level; imperfect multilevel governance; adisconnect between the policy dimension and the organisation ofdevelopment initiatives and programmes; limited relianceon new forms of governance to tackle mounting global challenges;and the need to adapt existing instrumentsto the ongoing evolution of the global developmentlandscape.


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