AI for Social Good: Improving Lives and Protecting the Planet

Delivering sustainable economic growth
Jun 03, 2024 | McKinsey&Company

The United Nations’ 17 SustainableDevelopment Goals (SDG) include eradicating extreme poverty and hunger,guaranteeing quality education for all children, promoting gender equality,making substantial progress in combating climate change, and ensuring universalaccess to affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy - all by 2030. But theUN’s 2023 update of the SDGs indicates the world is on track to meet only 15 percentof SDG targets. This means inter alia that 3.5 billion lack access to safelymanaged sanitation, 3.3 billion people are highly vulnerable to climate change,and about 750 million people are facing hunger. In their article for  McKinsey&Company, Ankit Bisht, Michael Chui, Roger Roberts, and Ashley van Heteren address these challenges, and offer insights into AI’spotential to advance the SDGs and how funding for AI supports progress in improvinglives and protecting the planet.


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