Deadliest Terror Groups in 2024

Addressing vulnerability and promoting security
Jun 03, 2024 | Vision of Humanity

Of the 3,350 terrorist attacks recorded in2023, 54 per cent were attributed to the Islamic State. This compares to 48 percent in 2022 and 45 per cent in 2021. The Gaza-based organisation Hamas wasthe second deadliest terror group in 2023 and responsible for nine terroristattacks that resulted in 1,209 deaths. Almost all of these deaths came as aresult of the events of October 7th, in which Hamas-led militants carried outmultiple incursions into Israel, executing rockets attacks, armed assaults, andkidnappings that resulted in 1,200 deaths, over 4,500 injuries, and 250 peoplebeing taken hostage.  According to this article by Vision of Humanity,the countries with the highest number of attacks not attributed to a single groupwere Myanmar, Burkina Faso, Mali, and Pakistan.

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